Richard Rose on finding the 'Action' in a play (Part 1 of 17)
Richard Rose on finding the 'Action' in a play (Part 1 of 17)
Richard Rose on using 'Spaces' within the story of a play (Part 2 of 17)
Richard Rose on employing your own imagination (Part 3 of 17)
Richard Rose on what he looks for and avoids in a script (Part 4 of 17)
Richard Rose on cutting down a script (Part 5 of 17)
Richard Rose on the director-playwright relationship (Part 6 of 17)
Richard Rose on the beauty of subtext (Part 7 of 17)
Richard Rose on dramaturgy and telling stories through theatre (Part 8 of 17)
Richard Rose on working with different theatres (Part 9 of 17)
Richard Rose on managing goals while running a theatre (Part 10 of 17)
Richard Rose on achieving success as a beginner playwright (Part 11 of 17)
Richard Rose on creating an audience for future Canadian plays (Part 12 of 17)
Richard Rose on maximizing your audience and filling the seats (Part 13 of 17)
Richard Rose on how to work with actors (Part 14 of 17)
Richard Rose on why he chose theatre (Part 15 of 17)
Richard Rose on helping theatre keep up with the times (Part 16 of 17)
Richard Rose on taking plays abroad (Part 17 of 17)